The Simplicity of Christ
In a day and age of entertainment, it’s easy to get caught up making “perfect” presentations in everything from children’s birthday parties to the flowers on our lawns. Did everyone like the way I decorated for the missions’ banquet or the dessert I brought for potluck?
Not me. I can’t pull it off. I’m just not very good at making things look perfect because just as soon as I plan the best birthday party ever, it rains or if I’ve got a beautiful dessert planned for company, I burn it. Whenever I aim for a perfect presentation, I end up wanting to poke my eyes out in the process. Or pull out all my hair. Or scream, or end up in a puddle of tears.
As I recently coordinated an event for children at church, I became frazzled and harried over the details of presentation. Painting sets, gathering fun supplies and finding volunteers began to overtake the true purpose of the event: telling kids about Jesus.
Jesus was quick to remind me that He is not a pomp and circumstance kind of guy. He walked on dirty roads and wore a simple robe. He didn’t even have a yard to show off to the neighbors, so why was I worrying about all these things?
When Jesus went to Mary and Martha’s house that memorable day in Bethany, He came to share His life with them. Martha got caught up in trying to please her Lord with perfect presentation, but Mary was content just being in His presence.
When Martha finally built up to the point of poking-her-eyes-out frustration, she blurted out “this isn’t fair!” Jesus gently reminded her of His simplicity that day too.
You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken from her.
Luke 10:41-42
Jesus is simple: He doesn’t care about presentation, He cares about the heart. He just wants ONE thing from us. We get all caught up in the million things we have to do for God each day. We’re trying to check them all off our list so we can be sure to be a good Christian, but He told us only ONE thing is necessary.
He wants our attention and how can He get it if we are focused on making a great presentation to the neighbors? He just wants one thing from me: me. Now that’s simple. It’s so easy to forget that Christianity boils down to a simple loving relationship between us and our savior.
Points for Action:
1. Sit down at Jesus’ feet today, just like Mary did, and soak up His presence. Don’t say a word, but listen to His loving voice.
2. Are there too many things on your plate that are taking the focus off of Jesus’ simplicity? Is there anything God might ask you to pare back so you can focus on Him more fully?

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