The perfect parent...
"Oh, my goodness! How many times have I told you to pick up your towel off of the floor??" My frustration shows as I grab the towel and hang it on the bathroom rack.
"And, Colin? You've gotta flush!"
My sigh is loud. I wouldn't want anyone to miss it. I quickly move from room to room trying desperately to create some semblance of order. The baby is actually happy in the bouncy seat for the time being. I am well aware that it will most likely be a very short time.
I sort the laundry and head into each child's room.
"Maddy, why haven't you put away your clothes? I asked you to do that three times earlier. You need to do something the first time I ask you! Put them away now please, neatly, and bring down your basket when you're done."
I lift the baby from his seat, get a burp and feel warm stuff running down my back. After a quick check to make sure none got on the floor, I trot downstairs, barely remembering by the time I reach the bottom to wipe off my shirt.
"Someone didn't clear their place from lunch!" I call upstairs to whomever is listening. Probably no one, I think to myself. I sigh again, put the baby on a blanket, and rub my temples.
Why, Lord, can't they remember the things I ask? Why can't they do things the first time? I repeat myself over and over and yet I might as well be talking to the pot rack.
I know how you feel, God answers.
You do?
Yes. Remember last week when I told you to hold your tongue? How many times have I said that to you?
Oh, now you're making this about me? No fair.
Or what about the times I've asked you to not be so sensitive? That's a tough one for you.
You're taking the wind out of my sails now, God. I know I'm not perfect.
I'm only asking you to guide them gently. Shepherd them as I do you. They will learn more by your example than your stern words.
You're the perfect parent, God. Just be with me and teach me...
That's all I wanted to hear. You got it.
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Prov. 16:3
Come visit me at my blog home, Fruit in Season.
Labels: Christine's Articles, Motherhood, Obedience, Relationships