Internet Cafe

Friday, October 23, 2009

Walking in the Dark

The Internet Cafe is welcoming Guest Barista, Sarah Beyer, to the counter today!

In my high school senior yearbook, for the quote that would follow my name and define who I was at 18, I chose the verse 2 Corinthians 5:7: “We live by faith, not by sight.” I was looking for a way to say that I loved Jesus without actually saying that I loved Jesus.

Crazy bold, I know.

I didn’t have a clue at the time what that statement really meant. I don’t think I even understood the difference between faith and sight. I’m certain I had no clue how much faith daily life would require of me in the future and how much I would long to be able to see the path before me. The thing is, there’s faith that leads to salvation and then there’s faith to walk every moment after that. I understood the first kind of faith, but I didn’t even know I was missing the second kind.

Early in my middle school years, I took the step of faith to say, “Yes, I believe I am a sinner. I believe Jesus is the Son of God. I believe He died and then rose again to take the punishment that I deserve. Please, Lord, forgive me and make me clean.

However, in the years and decades that followed, even though I was ordering my life to God’s priorities, I didn’t really let Him have control.

I was seeking God and trying to be more like Him. I was praying and learning from His Word, but I never really let go and let Him have control. I worried like I was in control. I planned like I was in control. I managed people like I was in control. I didn’t exercise faith in my daily life that allowed me to walk in any direction unless I could see the outcome for miles ahead.

Contrary to what I had proclaimed so proudly in my high school yearbook, I was living entirely by sight. The problem with living by sight is that, at its very best, my sight is nothing more than a poor reflection in a mirror. I lived a couple of decades essentially squinting into my rearview mirror, thinking that my view was good enough to drive. While I thought I was living a safe, protected life by attempting to control my circumstances, I was really just living an unspiritual, fearful life.

However, around the time I turned 30, God began to do a work in my life that would forever alter the way I lived. He graciously turned out the lights and allowed me to stand in the pitch dark. He allowed circumstances and pain into my life that I could not overcome on my own. I can see now that it was His love for me that led Him to bring me to the place

where I had to face my own inability to solve, plan, control, and manage. I stood in the middle of the pitch dark that my life had become and I began to truly trust Him for the first time. I finally quit trying to get more “sight” and chose faith, believing that if God sent something my way, it must be good for me. I wish I could say that I chose to trust God before all else, but the honest truth is that I didn’t truly trust Him until there was no other option. But I think late is better than never.

The good news is that faith is a gift from God. We can’t conjure it up or fake it. We need only ask God to provide it, making sure it is not sight for which we are asking. And then we exercise it. I have found it to be like a muscle that gets stronger every time I use it. It starts out weak, but each time I choose to trust in the name of the Lord instead of freaking out because I can’t see the path in front of me, my blood pressure goes down and my faith muscle gets stronger. Then the next time I need it, it is more ready for action.

To be honest, it hasn’t all been smooth sailing since I discovered that I could live by faith instead of sight, but, by the grace of God, I have experienced slow, steady growth in the direction of trusting Him. And the peace and joy that comes with being on His agenda instead of my own is filling me up and carrying me through.

Friend, I know you may be standing in the middle of a really dark place right now. I know it is tremendously difficult to have peace when your circumstances appear bleak. But you can take comfort from the fact that darkness is as light to God.

He can see just fine right where you are and He will lead the way if you allow Him to do so. He also says He loves you with an everlasting love and He will never, never leave you or forsake you. Don’t wait as long as I did to choose to trust Him with your daily life. Your own sight will never fulfill you or protect you the way the God who loves you will.

Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God. Is. 50:10b

Additional references: Psalm 139:12, Jeremiah 31:3, Hebrews 13:5, Ephesians 2:8 (all NIV)

Lord, we ask you to give us the strength to trust you with our lives. We ask you to help us to rest in the fact that you can see when we cannot. Please bring good out of the difficulties we face and grow our faith in you. Thank you for sheltering us under your wing and for renewing our hope when we are weak. We ask for joy, Lord, and for an extra measure of patience as we wait for you to bring us through the darkness. Amen.

1. Are you walking in the dark right now? What has caused that darkness?

2. Have you truly let God have control or are you clenching your hands hoping to help out?

3. How do you see God using this darkness to increase your faith in Him?

In Him,


Sarah can be found daily at her little place on the web, Sarah Beyer, Graffiti

Where she describes herself, "Me? Goofy. Paying to stay a blonde. Former worrier, turned prayer warrior. Running hard after the Lord. In love with my man. Lucky mom to the Alfies. Wannabe runner. Lake girl. Boggle Champion, except when playing Rachel. Farkle. Friend. Loved. Forgiven. Grateful. Free."

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Anonymous Tami said...

Oh so true Sarah! I praise our God who never loses sight of us, even when we wonder around and away. Psalm 16:11 ~God will show us the path of life. I was writing about this on my blog just last night. My daughter had called wanting to know how to get somewhere. I told her to trust her GPS, but she decided to turn it off and trust what she could see. It reminded me of how we tune God out at times because we trust more what we can see before us than what He has planned for us.

Thanks for a great example today!

October 23, 2009 at 8:53 AM  
Blogger Denise said...

Thanks for sharing this truth.

October 25, 2009 at 1:23 AM  

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It is good to hear from you... thank you so very much for leaving a note on the table. That makes us smile!

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