Internet Cafe

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cafe Chat


I know, not a great choice of a word to start out our discussion today, but I think it is a good topic for a "Cafe Chat" question. One definition from states that jealousy is
"jealous resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself." For today I think this will be the definition that we use to answer our question.

Jealousy is a sin that all people struggle with from time to time in their lifetime. Some will struggle greatly, and for some it can be something they might deal with in specific situations. In my past, I would categorize myself in the "struggle greatly" category, but now with the Lord's changing power I struggle with jealousy less often.

Today I would like for you to tell about a time that you dealt with the sin of jealousy. If you can, give details. Then I would like for you to share how you worked through the situation with God's help.

If you are struggling with jealousy ruling in your life, then I would like for you to write some reasons why you think that is. Would you be willing today to ask God to begin the process of destroying this sin in your life?

Again, always feel free to post anonymously. I will make sure to post my answer this week at my blog. If I ask you the hard questions, I have to ask them to myself. I hope this week's question will encourage all of us to seek God when it comes to the sin of jealousy, and any other sin :)

Blessings, Kim



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently started feeling jealousy toward people who are moving on with their lives (regarding marriage) and it really is an ugly thing. I have never really dealt with jealousy before. I'm almost 30 and not married. Hadn't really even considered it until about a year ago. It seemed like such a far-away thing for me. But now that people much younger than me have decided to tie-the-knot it makes me wonder what is wrong with me. And the crazy part is I don't even know what I'm jealous of - their happiness or that they have something that I don't. I was always the one to have the upper-hand on people. I didn't try to be that way, it just seemed to be the case in most situations. So this was something new for me. However, once the initial sting of yet another friend's engagement wears off, I'm usually ok. At least I know that it is something I can lay on the altar. I'm learning to not despise and even relish this desert time. But wow, that feeling of jealousy hits hard when it comes. I'm only getting through it with His grace and mercy.

August 20, 2009 at 3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right now when life seems to be battering from all sides, jealousy likes to rear its ugly head in my attitude. Time and again I run, crawl, to the alter to lay this horridness (for lack of a better word) there and ask the Father's forgiveness. Jealousy seems more prevalent when I am "me-centered" and not focused on God.


August 20, 2009 at 3:33 PM  
Blogger Toknowhim said...

I just wanted to thank you both for sharing your stories with us... It seems that both of you are seeking God for deliverance...That is one thing we can do when the strong emotion of jealousy takes over... Keep the dialogue going back and forth with God...

Gaylene I think you are right about jealousy taking root when we are me-centered...

Blessings to you both!!!


August 20, 2009 at 4:00 PM  
Blogger Renda said...

My green eyes started flaring up this February. My husband and I experienced our first miss carriage. I was 6-8 weeks along. I quickly turned to our Life Group for prayer. A few weeks later one by one each couple started to announce they were expecting. I hope that I do not sound horrible. Of course I am excited for my dear friends, but our fertility issues have caused me to roll my eyes at every announcement. I dont want to feel this way and on the 10th or 13th of every month, I find myself growing green again when I find out im not pregnant.

The Lord has really been speaking to me about my priorities and who am I putting my faith into. Are my priorities with serving Him? Is my faith in my pregnancy test or in God ?

I am very open to hearing advice and encouragement.


August 21, 2009 at 2:05 PM  
Anonymous Laurel@FromMyHeartToYours said...

Oh yes, I surely have dealt with jealousy. I posted my story on my blog (I don't know how to do a direct link):

This is a good reminder to give praise to the One who gives us strength in times of weakness.


August 23, 2009 at 2:35 PM  

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