Internet Cafe

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tornadic Activty

I live in "Tornado Alley."

Oklahoma, to be exact, and we have had our share of tornadoes! Every year there's a new threat, a new storm that can roll in and do some damage. We all gather around the TV with popcorn and blankets and watch the bright red blob roll across the screen. Where will they turn up? Where are the little white spinning circles going to pop up on the map? Who will get hit? Who won't?

I'm no meteorologist, but I can tell you a little bit about tornadoes.
  1. They are dangerous. Don't fool around with these dudes.
  2. It has to be the right atmosphere for one to come down.
  3. They can seemingly come out of nowhere.
  4. However, the weather will always give us a sign of pending doom!
  5. They vary in size and intensity.
  6. They could be rain wrapped.
  7. They are no respecter of persons.
  8. They leave damage if they make it to the ground.

There's plenty more about tornadoes, but I'll let the experts tell y'all that!

That's what tornadoes do. They swoop down, wreak some havoc and get on their way leaving us with a clean up.

Hmm, not unlike my words sometimes.

If the atmosphere of my heart and mind is gearing up for an unpleasant day, there is likely to be some tornadic activity of my mouth.

If I'm not careful, not paying attention to the "signs of the sky," I can speak rashly or harshly. If I'm not aware of the conditions of my soul, my mind can let a tornado of a bad attitude swoop down, twist through my life and I'll be left there doing carnage clean up.

"Honey, I'm sorry I snapped at you. Please forgive me.

"Father, I'm sorry I had such envious thoughts. Please forgive me."

Either way, if it comes out of my mouth, or it's stays in my head, my tornado of uncontrolled thoughts and words leave a path of destruction.

My thoughts and words, if not under control of the Spirit, resemble that of a tornado.

  1. They're dangerous.
  2. The right atmosphere (ugly atmosphere) can bring out ugly in me.
  3. Sometimes it seems to come out of nowhere. But, does it really?
  4. I have a pretty good idea of when the atmosphere is giving me a heads up to my tornadic activity!
  5. My "tornadoes" can vary in size and intensity.
  6. When I struggle with difficult thoughts, sometimes they are wrapped in situations that are stormy. Still, my Jesus can calm both.
  7. The tornadoes of life are no respecter of persons. Our enemy will try anything on anyone.
  8. If I let them come on down and rule me, I damage things.

But, just like in real life tornadoes, we can know the signs of storms in ourselves. What are the things I can put in place to ensure I'll stay out of harms way when I'm tempted to let destruction rule me?

Three things:

  • I make sure I let Jesus be my number one priority in my day.
  • His Word is something I study intently to know the truth that can set me free from strongholds like a quick anger or impatient attitude.
  • And finally, when "Mother" Nature decides that she would like to rule rather than The Father, I must humble myself to His control. And in His fashion He holds His hand up over me and calms the storm in my life.
You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you." Romans 8:9

I don't mind living in Tornado Alley, I just don't want it living in me! Through Jesus, it won't.

Thank you Jesus for setting me free from the things that can cause so much damage to myself and others. With you all things are possible!

What "tornadoes" swoop down in your life?

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Blogger Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

That was a wonderful post! So true. But I'd have to use Hurricanes instead of Tornados since I live in Florida lol.
Blessings to you!

September 30, 2008 at 6:23 AM  
Blogger Andi Hawkins said...

I think jealousy is my "tornado". I HATE seeing it in other people, yet there it always is in me. I like that... watching the sky for trouble... very wise. Love ya!

September 30, 2008 at 7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm goin' to need to think about that, Miss Thang.

Great post. REALLY great post!

September 30, 2008 at 7:47 AM  
Blogger LauraLee Shaw said...

Incredibly thought-provoking message here. It could apply to me in hundreds of ways. Thank you!

September 30, 2008 at 11:09 AM  
Blogger Beloved of the Lord said...

This is so good. I know that my mouth and thoughts can be very distructive. This word really encourages me to continue to dive into God's Word.

September 30, 2008 at 12:37 PM  
Blogger duskangel said...

This sounds like me and my PMS Endometriosis pains and resulting destruction from my emotional ups and downs. I'm printing this one out and keeping it visible and handy. That Stiletto Army logo has me rolling ! Thankyou for the humor.

September 30, 2008 at 7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you, living in Oklahoma! I love the tornado analogy! so true. Having lived with them all my life I am not really afraid until they are at my back door :O! I've learned just in the past few years that my thoughts can be equally destructive! Great post!

October 1, 2008 at 7:59 AM  

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