And The Greatest Of These...
The Beatles got one thing right. All we do need is love.
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Matthew 22:36-40 (NIV)
Isn't it interesting how Jesus sums up all the Law in Exodus 20 with these two commandments?
Why is that?
My thought is that if we get these two things right, we won't need to concern ourselves with the rest.
We won't have idols because we're too busy loving Jesus. And if we're loving him, I highly doubt that we'll be cussing up a storm at His expense or ignoring the sabbath. Honoring our parents, as well as keeping our hands off other people's stuff and spouses won't even be an issue if we're loving our neighbor as ourselves.
Are you loving the Lord with all of your heart, soul and mind? If not, what part of you is He not getting?
In Him,![](
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Labels: Cindy Beall, Love
People says that when we love od, we will have no reason to not listen to Him. I am still learning on that.
My pastor's sermon yesterday, on Full-Contact Faith: Loving, was based on these verses. And, like you, he focused on how all of the commandments are based on these 2 on love.
Excellent post.
How true! If we just focus on virtue, our sins evaporate.
I love keeping it simple!!!! Loving Him I can do!!
His love covers over a multitude of MY sin! I'll have to think about what He's not getting.
i just love your rawness..."keeping our hands off..." love it! i truly believe that if i can keep my focus and love on Him...everything else will follow suit...the days i faulter most are when the bills trickle in and there are not enuff working on letting go of those worries and casting my cares upon grateful that i found this blog today...its truly a blessing...thank you!!
How true! I think this is going to be my Scripture focus this week...
i think one of the key things is having your heart, soul, and mind all line up in obedience at the same time...often my heart and soul are fully surrendered and my mind starts to think way too much...
You hit the nail on the head here Cindy.
Sometimes it's just that simple isn't it? Thanks for your great insight!
I think that is the whole message of why we are here.
Love God, Love others.....
Why in the world we make it so complicated is beyond me..
way to boil it down to the basics. i love the way you do that!
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