Internet Cafe

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hand in Hand....

"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand."
~ Emily Kimbrough ~

Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.
"Pooh," he whispered.
"yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw,
I just wanted to be sure of you."

I stumbled across this postcard years ago and it has made its way around the house from my bed stand, to the girls desk when they began to share a room. Now it sits in front of me on my desk where I type....When I read this quote, it reminded me that they both say the same thing. All any of us really want, from the day we are born, is to know that there is someone out there that we can be sure of...

We are so blessed as Christians to know that there is one hand that is always extended, waiting for us to reach out for it. We have the Lord's hand any time we stumble....and how amazing, wonderful and full of grace, our God is that HE so often will allow us to sidle up to someone on earth and as we stumble, they hold our hand. As we make our way through the challenges and struggles of this life, what a wonderful feeling to KNOW that God has so perfectly placed those people in our life who hold our hand at the exact time we need it, just to reassure us that we can be "sure."
God sends us those images of Himself in those people in our lives who hold our hand...He reminds us through those friends, the kind of friend HE is, always has been and always will be.

This week, I found myself struggling as another school year begins, with the questions we all ask ourselves, am I doing the best thing for my family, and as a home schooler, there are times when I find myself questioning what I know is right. A dear friend read my blog and sent an email that just lifted me up. It truly was as if the Lord Himself were speaking, and I believe HE was, through her. She allowed me to sidle up beside her, and as we stumble, and we all will....We need to be ever grateful that God places people in our lives to walk hand in hand with...they make the journey easier, they lighten our load and there is nothing more comforting than knowing that you have someone "you are sure of."

As we make our way through this maze of life, we need to remember that we all stumble, big and small, young and old...just as Our Father always has a hand extended for us, we must walk ready to extend our hand to others....He requires only that we "Love," and when we are the one that someone can be sure of, HE smiles.

"Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow...a threefold cord is not easily broken."
Ecclesiastes 4:9 - 12

In Him,

I would love it if you would visit me...

(originally posted aug 7, 2006 for CWO In Other Words)

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Blogger Denise said...

This was a precious post, bless you.

September 29, 2007 at 12:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post Lori.... God does send people to us to show us His love. Neat.

September 29, 2007 at 9:22 PM  
Blogger Lori said...


September 30, 2007 at 10:01 AM  
Blogger Chris @ Come to the Table said...

Welcome to the team!

Great post!

September 30, 2007 at 5:03 PM  
Blogger eph2810 said...

I am so glad that He always sends someone on His behalf to extend a hand to us. In most difficult times, there is always someone there...

Thank you so much for sharing this, Lori.

Welcome to the CWO blog. We are blessed to have you blogging with us.

Blessings to you and yours...

October 1, 2007 at 7:12 AM  
Blogger Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

Welcome Lori!! This was so great...I absolutely love Winnie Quotes :)

October 1, 2007 at 3:42 PM  

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It is good to hear from you... thank you so very much for leaving a note on the table. That makes us smile!

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