Internet Cafe

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"Windshield Stalker"

Do you ever peek in people's windshields as they drive by?

Do you notice their faces as they hurry to get somewhere?

I have to admit, I am a "windshield stalker."

I am an avid people watcher. I wonder about their "stories." I notice when someone looks sad or stressed out.

So....I look in every window that passes me by.

Sometimes I pray for a person that looks sad or angry.

Sometimes I pray that I would have an attitude of person who is joyfully smiling through the windshield.

Sometimes I pray for protection of the person speeding by too quickly!

I have been so blessed by praying for these "strangers" God has placed in my path. Sometimes, though, it is tempting to feel frustrated that I didn't do "enough".......or say "enough."

But, I heard Joyce Meyer share a similar story recently. When she was shopping, a clerk said something to her and she regretted not "correcting" her with the Truth. She felt that she had missed an "opportunity." God reminded her, though, that she had the OPPORTUNITY to pray for that woman!

I sometimes regret not opening my mouth and saying more or doing more, but this was revelation that I AM! I have the opportunity to pray for that lonely person sitting on a bench...the grouchy salesclerk....the receptionist....the passerby in the next car.

I have the privilege to pray for people that may NEVER again have someone praying for them.

And then......

God DOES call us to DO things for those who are hurting.

The Holy Spirit has shown me lately how important it is to have open eyes, listening ears, and a willing heart. In one day, God laid on my heart several people to reach out and "touch."

"Email a friend to let her know how great her husband has been doing in youth ministry."

"Don't just delete that informational email. Take a few minutes to reply to the busy church leader, letting her know you appreciate all of the work she has been doing in women's ministry."

"Send a card to a friend who has been going through a tough time."

"Spend a few minutes talking to the clerk at the dry cleaners."

"Pray for this person that keeps coming to your mind."

God gives us this incredible opportunity to pray for others, even strangers. We don't always know what someone is going through, or dealing with. We may never know the eternal ramifications that a simple email, spiritually timed, may have.

I love the song, "Give Me Your Eyes" by Brandon Heath.

Ponder some of the lyrics with me.

"Give me Your eyes for just one second. Give me Your eyes so I can see...everything that I keep missing. Give me Your eyes for humanity. Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted...the ones that are far beyond my reach. Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten. Give me Your eyes so that I can see. I want a second glance. So give me a second see the way You've seen the people all along."

Oh, Lord, that is the cry of my heart! How I want to see people the way You see them! I don't want to be too busy that I pass by without noticing. I don't want to miss the lonely, the hurting, the overwhelmed, the broken...

....."Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?" The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." -Matthew 25:37-40

Father, help me to "see" people with Your eyes. Help me to listen better to people and really hear what they are saying. Help me to keep my mouth closed until Your Spirit prompts me to open it and then speak what YOU want me to say! Lord, help me to always remember to pray for those you place before me. I love You, Lord! In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

To watch a response video of Brandon Heath's song, click HERE.

I would love for you to visit me at my personal blog,

Points to Ponder:

Who is God placing in YOUR life to minister to today?

How can you slow down to notice those who are hurting?

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It is good to hear from you... thank you so very much for leaving a note on the table. That makes us smile!

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