Internet Cafe

Monday, February 1, 2010

No Greater Love

"How much do you love me?" asked a little voice one day.

"Well," I said in reply, "A lot."

"How much is a-lot?"

Ever asked our Heavenly Father that?

"How much do you love me?"

There are times when I'm at church, worshipping in song, or listening to the powerful words in the Pastor's sermon that I find myself hit with the reminder of just how much our Heavenly Father loves me.

"For God so loved the world....."

And, then there are the other times. Maybe it's a day when I wake up and haven't received any emails, or my spouse and I get off on the wrong foot that day; maybe the dog ate my favorite shoes, again, or I just wake up questioning-"How much do you love me, Lord?"

"....that He gave His only begotten Son....."

It's impossible to measure up to the love that our Heavenly Father shows for us. There are many who walk among us that don't really know how much our Heavenly Father loves them nor do they understand how much they truly mean to Him.

It could be that in the midst of a "bad day" one forgets just how special they are to God and His unconditional love for them is the farthest thing from their minds.

".....that whoever believes in Him....."

The love our Father has to offer goes beyond our saying the right things, wearing the right types of clothes, belonging to the right cliques, or trying to live up to the standards of others. God loves us unconditionally; no strings attached. His love is free. His love is sacrificial. And, His love is eternal. His love is not based on the things I do or don't do.God's heart desires that we love Him as deeply and unconditionally as He loves us.

"......should not perish but have everlasting life."

As we walk through this life, you and I are not alone nor are we unloved. Circumstances would have us, at times, trying to convince ourselves that God doesn't love us. Evidenced by God's sacrificial offering for His children, we can rest assured that His love is real and of great worth.

I told my youngest one, "I love you THIS MUCH" and gave them a big hug, all the while thinking how much our Heavenly Father does them same when we are having "one of those days" of not thinking that we are cared for or noticed.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,

that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

John 3:16, New King James Version

A Valentine that lasts a lifetime is God's love for you and me. It's literally the gift that not only keeps giving, but calls out to be shared and passed on to others so that they too can know, without a doubt, they are loved for an eternity by their heavenly Father.

Just as God the Father's love is for His children, so should our love be for our own children- full of compassion and understanding, not based on anything they do or say, but unconditionally and freely given.

God's love is great and when we ask Him,"Do you love me?", He always says yes and opens His arms wide showing us exactly how much He has and will always love us.

You can drop by and visit Twinkle Mom at her blog, Sunflower Faith or catch her floating around Twitter.

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It is good to hear from you... thank you so very much for leaving a note on the table. That makes us smile!

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