Internet Cafe

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Cafe Chat

Well my beloved community, it is almost time to celebrate the most wonderful birth in history. The birth of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords...Jesus Christ. Are you ready?
Familiarity can be a good thing, but familiarity with the Christmas story can be negative if you just listen to the story as one that you have heard hundreds of times before...a story that no longer engages your mind and moves your heart toward love. Personally, I have fallen into the trap of treating the Christmas story too casually and have forgotten what the baby in the manger truly represents. This Christmas, I don't want that to happen, so let us pray together to see and hear the Christmas story with new eyes and new ears.
In the Bible, John writes "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:14-first part of verse). As many have said, Jesus was born to die, but the story did not end with his death, but a wonderful resurrection. Oh we have so much to be thankful for this season. No, we have so much to be thankful for everyday.
Today, my question is more of a fill in the blank question. Please take a moment to leave your answers here at the Cafe. I would love to see what you write, and I know that you bless others here at the Cafe when you participate.
The night that Jesus was born________________ came to the World.
The night that Jesus was born________________came to my life.
Let us see with new eyes and hear with new ears this Christmas.
Merry Christmas!!!

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It is good to hear from you... thank you so very much for leaving a note on the table. That makes us smile!

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