Why Your "Lifesong" Pleases God

After three years of lessons, we all agreed that I was probably done.
Even though I wasn’t very good, you should’ve heard my folks go on about how they loved to hear me play. No matter how many times I bungled notes, they commented about how they enjoyed my music.
I remember thinking, “What is wrong with them? Can’t they hear the mistakes? I’ll never be good at this. I can’t even get through a song without messing up, and yet they act like I’m headed for the Lawrence Welk Show! I wonder if they’re fibbing when they say they like to hear me play. I wonder if they’re just being nice because they think they have to.”

Here’s the thing. I love to hear her play. She misses notes, plays half-songs, tinkers with chords, uses the pedals wildly—she’s all over the map, so to speak. And yet, her music brings me indescribable joy. I literally get a warm “Christmasy” feeling while she plays, a sense of peace, contentment and pride.
My husband and I were analyzing why we’re so touched by her playing. We decided the joy comes from observing her releasing something which desires to be expressed, that creative spark that we’ve all heard about which reflects our Father’s creativity. I can feel her heart in her music. I’m also proud of her ability to teach herself, to set goals and meet them. I’m proud of her musicality that most certainly did not come from me.

It’s funny how when I was the young pianist, all I could hear were my mistakes, but my parents heard the music above the flaws. Now I do the same thing with my daughter.
We created beings know our frailties all too well. We regularly bungle the gifts our Father has given us. Sometimes we start and do not finish; sometimes we get a little crazy and miss the mark.
For instance, you may feel that you have not excelled at parenting lately. You may feel that your house is a mess, that you are scattered between home, church and work obligations. You may think the last object lesson you taught was a flop. You may have lost your patience with an extended family member in spite of your sincere desire to love her. You may have put on weight in spite of being a mediocre cook. The list could go on and on.
You only notice your flaws, while your Father, who is wild about you, hears the music of your life--and it brings him indescribable joy.
Missing the mark does not surprise Him. Perfection is not even a remote consideration in his love for you. He is delighting in you even now as you sit soaking up these words.
So how do we respond to this kind of love?
I’m reminded of Casting Crowns’ lyrics:
So may the words I say
And the things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to you
Whatever you do today, “sing” with all your heart for the One who loves your music and delights in you, and don't let inner accusations and missteps drag you down. Your soul longs to express itself to its Creator, and He longs to hear music that is uniquely you!
Scriptures about soul-songs:
Psalm 108: My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing and make music with all my soul.
Luke 1:46: And Mary said: "My soul glorifies the Lord”.
Psalm 42:8: By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.

Please visit Linda Crow at her personal blog:
Labels: Linda's Articles, Love, perseverance
Such lovely words, bless you.
This is so true. I love to hear my boys play the guitar and piano. They often miss more than they get but it all sounds beautiful to me.
My Daddy would cry when I would sing as a little girl in church (not from pain--happy tears)
As much as we love our children imperfections and all our Father loves us unimaginably more than that! Amazing!
Thank you so much for sharing that--reminding us that God loves us no matter what and we should focus on our efforts to praise, not successes.
And I love the aluminum Christmas tree!
What a beautiful, important message. It was definitely one I needed to hear today. Thank you and God bless.
I loved this. Interestingly enough, I was thinking just the other day along these same lines about how as a kid, I didn't see how my parents could stand to listen to me practice and yet what joy it brings me to hear my kids play. Thanks for taking it the extra step.
Linda - you are so right on with this. My 9 yr old plays and I just love to hear it. I Love to hear my 4 year old sing in her loud screamy voice her songs. It is a parental love...just like God loves us, his children.
Thanks for sharing this.
What beautiful words as I sit here on a cold and rainy day. Thank you, Linda!
You only notice your flaws, while your Father, who is wild about you, hears the music of your life--and it brings him indescribable joy.
Amen. Linda, Amen... Hugs.
I'm glad he hears the beautiful things!
Thank you for sharing these beautiful words.
Thanks for such encouraging words today!
Yep, He delights in me, just cause I'm His.
Good word, Linda,
Bravo my friend! I love your post and yes He does think His kids are pretty neato!
One of the most difficult things for a 'Type A' personality to do is grasp the fact that God ain't impressed with their "perfection" and "productiveness". (What?!?)
Once in a while, we need someone to remind us - that simply because we are His - He really, really, really just delights in us! How crazy is that?
(BTW - This was a particularly great day for me to be "reminded." How do you do that?)
I had tears in my eyes reading this.
This was beautiful and meaningful to me. Bless you.
Lidna--wow, you expressed this perfectly! We have a very musical family (I even met my husband in high school concert choir) and 3 of the 6 of us are on the worship team at church. But just hearing my daughter sing (LOUDLY) while she washes the dishes with her earbuds in, or my boys struggle...again..to learn that new riff makes MY heart sing, too...Christmas-y is just the way to describe it. And your 2-y-o photo is just adorable!
Funny, isn't it. Even if it's something she made up, it's beautiful if she's your child. Even from someone who makes fun of musicals. !!
This is so true, and such a blessing. A verse that speaks to my heart on this subject is Ps. 37:23
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, and He delights in his way.
The Lord delights in the way that He has planned for me, and He is patient as I stumble along that path. I want to learn to delight in the way that He has chosen for me as well.
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It is good to hear from you... thank you so very much for leaving a note on the table. That makes us smile!
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