Internet Cafe

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Kristen Schiffman

Out of commission with a severe back injury and just dumped by her at-the-time boyfriend, Kristen Schiffman found herself shell-shocked at the turn life can take in a matter of days. Somehow, amidst the grace of heaven and the encouragement of her mother, instead of eating pints of Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, Kristen devoured the Word of God.

Over the months following her devastating break up and aching back, instead of hanging her head in defeat, Kristen’s head bowed in prayer. It was here, in the midst of heartbreaking loss, she fell even deeper in love with Christ and His Word.

She desperately hopes her writing points readers to dig deeper into the Word and get to know Christ more. Using humor, day-to-day situations and, of course, Scripture, it is her desire to see fellow believers actively participating in the biblical study of God’s Word.

Knowing what hopeless feels like, Kristen echoes Paul’s heart in Titus 1:2, as he wrote, "My aim is to raise hopes by pointing the way to life without end."

Today, thankful beyond measure that she chose her Bible over the pint (okay, gallon!) of ice cream, Kristen lovingly speaks to her Savior, "How sweet are Your words to my taste! Yes, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" Indeed, even sweeter than the creamiest of ice cream.

Kristen writes study materials for church and ministry leaders to use in both corporate and personal study. She is also in the process of authoring her second in-depth bible study.

She considers it her life’s greatest privilege to see others getting a taste of what the full life in Christ is all about.

A newly married, twenty-someone, Kristen Schiffman enjoys the scent of new books, extremely windy days, laughing with her husband Eric and gearing up for Christmas with her family. She spends most of her time reading, writing and drinking Sugar-Free, Non-fat, Vanilla Lattes.

You can visit her website at Exemplify or at her personal blog Taste Buds.

What others are saying about Kristen:

"Kristen at Dancing in the Margins is a winner hands down for me. I'm totally drawn to her posts and always leave either laughing, praying, searching, encouraged, hopeful... blessed!"

"I love Kristen Schiffman at {dancing} in the margins. Her posts are always so real, and so convicting, and they show her amazing heart."

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Blogger Carla Gade said...

Nice getting to learn about you, Kristen. Just thought I'd mention that the Exemplify link goes to a wrong site, in Chinese. Oops. Be blessed!

January 9, 2010 at 4:14 PM  

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It is good to hear from you... thank you so very much for leaving a note on the table. That makes us smile!

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