Internet Cafe

Monday, January 12, 2009


Last week I bought a new journal to start the New Year. There's nothing like opening it up and seeing the fresh empty pages just ready to be filled with lessons from God.

More...of how He wants me to live!

I have been praying and specifically asking God to show me my areas of need, my blind spots, and the changes that need to take place. He has very clearly been impressing on me some areas that I have not glorified Him as I should. He has also been causing verses and thoughts from books I am reading to stand out, that are giving me a clearer understanding of what exactly it means to glorify God.

As He is teaching me, He is also creating with in my heart a deeper desire to obey HIM and GLORIFY HIM. Now comes the LIVING OUT of what I am learning.

The first verse that stood out to me as I began to pray in this way was found in Jeremiah 4:3 "Break up your ground left uncultivated for a season, so that you may not sow among thorns..."

"What thorns,Lord?"

I didn't have to ask Him twice!!! He has faithfully shown me what I need to see!

"Okay, Gina. Lets start from the beginning!"

I am being reminded that the areas that I would say I "struggle" in, are actually areas where I have not submitted. Where I have held on to MY will rather than submitting to HIS will.

"Self-will is a lack of submission. Independence is stubborn weakness!" (Oswald Chambers)

Matt. 6:33 reminds me to "Seek (aim at, strive after)FIRST OF ALL, His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right.)"

"YOUR kingdom come...but MY will was done..."
"How can I help further YOUR kingdom When I'm so wrapped up in MINE?" (Casting Crowns)

HIS kingdom...NOT MY OWN! It's not about me! But, man, do I ever live like it's about me at times! That would be the independence He has revealed.


I really don't like seeing THAT ...but I'm thankful to see it so I can change!

Then...I Corinthians 10:31 "Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." ...the glory of God. Sure. I want that. But, do I?

Elyse Fitzpatrick shares that glorifying God means this:

"That everything we do-whether we're eating, drinking, reading a paper, driving our car, whatever we're doing-is to be done with the attitude and in such a way as to cause others around us to say, 'Isn't God great!' Because of His abounding grace and mercy He has allowed us to be involved in this great plan and purpose...God wants to use your life to show others that He is real and that He can change people..."

You mean that others might actually want to know God because of my life?!

That means every part of my life must be lived before Him. That is being a light. So, it's not really about ME glorifying God. It's about me GLORIFYING GOD, so that others might be pointed to HIM!! That means "ME" MUST GO!


Oh, WOW Lord, this is a lot. Can we stop now?"

Philippians 1:20 " now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death..(21)For me to live is Christ..." (27)"Only let your conduct be worthy of the Gospel of Christ..."


That is the most important part, I think. It's about the Gospel. It's about my life pointing others to Jesus, and THE GOSPEL!

These areas in my life that are coming to mind. This self will. The things I have trivialized or not seen as such a big deal ARE a big deal. They are a big deal because they are areas that have not pointed others to Jesus, and the Gospel! Even though I know that God would love to see me have peace and victory in these areas because of His great love for me, there is a much bigger picture I need to be looking at.

God wants to use these areas for His glory so that others might see Him.

As I write this post I hear a song coming from my daughters room. A song by the group "Mercy Me" and it keeps repeating these words, "Nothing else matters here, but glorifying Your name..."

"I hear You Lord!"

Oh, Lord, I pray with the hymn writer...

"Take my will and make it Thine-It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart it is Thine own, It shall be Thy royal throne, It shall be Thy royal throne!"

You can visit Gina at her personal blogs:

Chats With An "Old Lady"


Bearing Burdens

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Blogger Denise said...

Great post dear.

January 12, 2009 at 2:36 AM  
Blogger Shannon Jacobyansky said...

Simply divine!

January 12, 2009 at 6:52 PM  
Blogger LauraLee Shaw said...

"every part of my life must be lived before Him. That is being a light. So, it's not really about ME glorifying God. It's about me GLORIFYING GOD, so that others might be pointed to HIM!! That means "ME" MUST GO!"

Sobering indeed, and very well spoken. Thank you.

January 13, 2009 at 4:53 PM  

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