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Sunday, September 2, 2007

Aptly Spoken Words

"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."
Proverbs 25:11

A couple of nights ago I went into my daughter's room to tuck her into bed. She looked over the open Bible she was holding and asked, "Mom, what's does 'aptly' mean?" We discussed the meaning of "aptly" (suitable, appropriate, timely, rightly) and how it applies in the above verse. We talked about why "apt" words are such a gift, and how to speak them to others. I had no idea that later in the week I would receive some "apt" words in my email inbox.

I've had a variety of ideas brewing about what to write on this, the eve of my fortieth birthday. I thought maybe I would be reflective, perhaps offering some wise perspective or some timely witticism about growing older. Maybe share a touching memory from my childhood. But as the week wore on nothing really came to me.

Today I received an email from a godly gentleman in my church, and I knew I wanted to share it with you. We attend a multi-age "Bible fellowship" (our church's name for our Sunday School classes) where we attend as a family. What I love about that class is that there are children and parents, as well as those old enough to be my parents. It's called a "family bible fellowship" or "FBF". We have a Yahoo group which sends out birthday reminders each year, and he had received the reminder of my upcoming birthday.

I received this today, and it blessed me so much that I wanted to share it with you. I pray these "apt" words would wash over you and bless you as well:

"An FBF email birthday reminder caused me to think what I would say to you on your day. You have a wonderful, God-fearing husband, two remarkable children, and a very fruitful life. What could I possibly add?

If I said, 'You are an extraordinary young woman,' you would probably look away and shyly reply, 'Thank you for the compliment, but....'

If I blessed you with all manner of blessing, you would probably look on your children, think of your husband and say, 'I have all that and more.'

Then I thought, if I look upon her through the eyes of a father, reassuring her, 'this is my daughter, in whom I am well pleased,' this would add to her peace.
Happy Birthday."

Those words touched a part of my heart that I had forgotten. The part of me that needs a fatherly "someone" to reassure me that he is pleased with me, to speak that on behalf of my Heavenly Father. And that's okay! Jesus needed that, too. Those words were spoken to Him as a blessing straight from His Heavenly Father. We all need to hear them at some time, perhaps multiple times during our lives, both from God Himself and by someone speaking words of blessing on His behalf. In fact, when Jesus heard them from the Father, His earthly father was no longer around to say them to Him. Perhaps that's partly why God Himself said it. No doubt, those were apt words for Jesus that day.

So, I say them to you today. If you are in Christ, Your Heavenly Father is looking at you today through the blood of His Son. He is well pleased with you. He sees you as righteous and beautiful. He loves you. In fact, He abounds in lovingkindness toward His children! Sure, you blow it daily, and must come to Him in repentance for forgiveness. But you able to boldy come before the throne of grace for mercy, forgiveness, cleansing and strength because He has invited you through His Son and His great love for you. Know that today. Let it bless you! I hope these are apt words for you today.

If you do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ, the most apt words I could say to you are that it all starts with acknowledging that you need a Savior. Forgiveness of sins and a right standing with God can come only through a relationship with Jesus. (I recommend reading this.) I invite you to contact Christian Women Online if you would like to know more. You are not here on this earth- in this generation- by chance or accident. You have a purpose in God's plan! I hope these are apt words for you today.

Oh, how I hope this post and the words of my friend "add to your peace." Have a blessed Lord's Day!

Cyndi blogs at One Day More and Mater Magistra.

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Blogger NotJustLaura said...

What lovely words with which to celebrate your birthday ... may your peace be increased indeed. And Happy Birthday!

September 2, 2007 at 11:55 AM  
Blogger Christine said...

What wonderful words from his heart to yours, and from His heart to yours. Thank you for sharing this email. It touched me as well!

September 2, 2007 at 12:43 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

One of my favorite gospel singers is Janet Paschal. She has a song on one of her cds that begins with the line, "Heavenly Father, this is your daughter."
For some reason the first time I heard that it touched something deep within my heart. Sometimes we think we know things - but we don't really KNOW them until something sort of carifies them to our spirit. That's what happened when I first heard that song. Yes - He is my Father and I am His daughter - miracle of miracles.
Thanks for sharing those apt words Cyndi. Happy Birthday.

September 2, 2007 at 3:09 PM  
Blogger Sisterlisa said...

Thank you Cyndi! Hearing about God's forgiveness and love is so needed in the word today. He came not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

Thank you for linking the Plan of Salvation as well. I had just included salvation in my most recent post at Apples of Gold.


September 2, 2007 at 3:33 PM  
Blogger Denise said...

So very beautiful, thanks for sharing.

September 2, 2007 at 8:11 PM  
Blogger Alycia said...

How Beautiful Cyndi :) And, Happy Birthday to you!! Enjoy your Labor Day weekend!

September 3, 2007 at 1:22 AM  
Blogger Susanne said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful words which you recieved. a blessing indeed.

September 3, 2007 at 9:11 AM  
Blogger Chris @ Come to the Table said...

What a beautiful gift you have been given and I am sure much deserved.

Happy Birthday Cyndi!

September 3, 2007 at 5:13 PM  
Blogger Lisa @ The Preacher's Wife said...

That is the most precious note I've ever heard...What a perfect gift! Hope you had a wonderful day full of indulgences..:)

much love,


September 6, 2007 at 9:20 AM  

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It is good to hear from you... thank you so very much for leaving a note on the table. That makes us smile!

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